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Holiday Eating Guide (Easter, Pesach and Ramadan)

It's that time of the year where a lot of different cultures have some pretty challenging religious holidays. I have created a little tip guide to help you navigate these times and adapt your eating to your chosen holiday!


Enjoy an easter egg or two, and have some chocolate if thats what you love! The marshmallow eggs are quite low calorie compared to the more solid chocolate varieties. Try not to over-shop. Get just enough for a couple of days so that you don't spend the whole week indulging

If you are making a family roast, be sure to include lots of colourful salads and roasted veggies to compliment the heavier meats. Plan some lighter meals for the weekend ahead.

Watch your alcohol intake. If its a long day with family and friends, try and delay your drinking so that you are less likely to over-indulge. Try sugar free mixers and water down wine with soda water or ice. Drink water in-between alcoholic beverages.


Be careful not to buy or eat too much matzah. Pesach is a good opportunity to reduce gluten based products, so adding matzah to every meal is counter-productive in this regard.

Try making fruit smoothies for breakfast or eggs with vegetables. Choose lots of salads and cooked veggies to compliment protein at meals. Potato with the skin, sweet potato, beetroot, butternut and quinoa are suitable starch substitutes.

On sedar nights, take small portions of everything if you feel like you want to taste it all. For example a half a large piece of matzah or half a kneidlach will still be enjoyable and satisfying.


Try starting the day with a protein based fruit smoothie or a low GI cereal like oats with seeds or nut butters. Take a rehydrate solution in the mornings to prevent dehydration. Adding a green juice eg celery, kale, cucumber with some fruit will also help the day go easier.

It's OK to break your fast on some sweet treats or samosas on some days, but try keep to fruits like banana or dates (as they raise the blood sugar faster), and then follow with a protein like nuts, biltong or yogurt.

Eat a normal sized dinner that is balanced in terms of protein, complex starch, raw oils and vegetables. There is no need to eat very large meals just to compensate for the rest of the day.

Happy Easter! Chat Sameach! Ramadan Mubarak!


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